Sending SMS using Google Calendar's python API - The Code Dump.
I have used these and the google-api-python-client library (with its. the Calendar API and when I try to use the example exchanging the data.
Dec 20, 2012. In addition to providing some background on the capabilities of the Google Calendar Data API, this document provides examples interacting.
python-gdata get all events from a google calendar | DaniWeb.
Calendars: clear - Google Calendar API — Google Developers.May 21, 2012. This example is a working Python application that uses the Temboo SDK to. new events in your Google Calendar when they are located in your city.. and apply for an API Key by going here:
Feb 26, 2009. Sending SMS using Google Calendar's python API. is setting the default reminder type to SMS and then using the samples in the tutorial.
Jul 12, 2012. Returns the rules in the access control list for the calendar. Try it now or see an example.. â–¸Settings. â–¸Google Calendar API v2 Deprecated.
Write your First App: Prerequisites - Google · Python Google Calendar API Helper. For example, here's how to search for issues with the word calculation in the summary field. HTML5; PHP.NET; Java; Python; Ruby; JavaScript; Tools. Server Clock: Server-Sent Events, <canvas>, PHP [source]; Offline eBook Reader.
Your client application can use the Google Calendar Data API to create new events. This document provides detailed examples for using the Python Client.
This projects collects some simple scripts and examples using the Google Spreadsheets Data APIs and Google Calendar Data APIs client libraries for Python.
Please forgive me as I am a complete novice with Python.. I've never used Google Calender, but I just glanced through those links you provided and the sample with the. The location did not import into the "Where" field on google calendar.

Jul 12, 2012. GET Note: The code examples available for this method do not represent all supported.
google calendar api example python
gdata-python-scripts - Simple scripts and usage examples of Google.
Google Calendar API v1 Developer's Guide: PHP - Google Apps.
google calendar api example python
Google Calendar API v1 Developer's Guide: Python - Google Apps.
Acl: delete - Google Calendar API — Google Developers.Dec 20, 2012. Your client application can use the Google Calendar Data API to create. This document provides detailed examples for using the Java Client.
The Google Calendar API lets you develop client applications that create new events. client libraries for various programming languages (currently Java, Python, PHP.. For example, you could develop a web application to create or display.
Jul 12, 2012. Authorizing Requests to the Google Calendar API. Every request your application sends to the Google Calendar API must include an.
up vote 0 down vote favorite. as written on the google api python client documentation. Deleting a secondary calendar(under python example).